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Broadcast Email:
- Visual ChamberWare works with other common software packages especially MS
Office 2000/XP.
- Controls Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express (which comes free with
- Allows for easy emailing to your members. Email one member, all members or
anything in between. Groups, Committees, new members, etc… Use our
exclusive Filter Wizard to select the exact members you want.
- Visual ChamberWare personalizes each email with a greeting: “Hi Bob”,
“Hi Mary” etc…
- Sends a private email to each member, not an email with a displayed
recipient list like competitive products.
- Add as many file attachments as you like to any email.
- Store commonly sent email text (like relocation information) and add it to
the email with one click.
- Store commonly used subject lines and add them to the email with one click.
- Using stored text, send an email to your entire membership with three
clicks and absolutely no typing!!!
Word Merge:
- Visual ChamberWare controls Microsoft Word to produce form letters and
other merged documents.
- Allows for easy mail merging letters to your members. Select one member,
all members or anything in between. Of course you can use our exclusive
Filter Wizard to select the exact members you want.
- Call Word for Committee Notices, Groups, Renewing Members, Thank You
Letters etc…
- Controls the entire process: Opens Word, loads your document, performs
the merge, and sends out the results to your printer, another document, or
even merged through Word to your email program. All with one click!
- Write a quick letter to any member.
- One click drops you into Word with a letter addressed to your member, and
a signature block with your name. Your cursor is positioned on the paragraph
after the dear name - “Dear Sara,” indented and ready to type!
- Drag and Drop a member into Word, as another way to create a quick letter.
- Creates new merge master documents from scratch!
- Adds a proper address block, a signature block with your name and body
text which you can customize to your own needs. Or simply cut and paste the
text from your existing letter. No need to learn how to add merge fields in
Word, Visual ChamberWare handles all that for you!
- Call and edit any Word documents right from Visual ChamberWare.
Broadcast Fax:
- Visual ChamberWare controls WinFax to perform broadcast faxes, no need to
even open WinFax.
- Send a fax to one member, all members or anything in between. Of course
our exclusive Filter Wizard is available to select the exact members you
- Fax Committee Notices, Thank You Letters, New Members etc… save money on
- Displays all your WinFax attachments in an easy to use Visual ChamberWare
- Optionally select any WinFax cover sheet right from Visual ChamberWare.
- Store commonly used cover sheet text and add it to the fax with one click.
- Optionally set delivery options: As soon as possible; Hold in my
Outbox; During off-peak hours; or Schedule the fax for a specific
date and time right from Visual ChamberWare.
- Send a broadcast fax to your entire membership with four clicks!
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Please view an on-line demo of ChamberWare to get a better idea of the product.